Special Meeting Feb 17 2011

Press Min Dec 29 2011.pdf
Press Min Dec 15 2011.pdf
Press Special Meeting Dec 6 2011.pdf
Press Min Nov 22 2011.pdf
Press Min Nov 14 2011.pdf
Press Min Oct 27 2011.pdf
Press Min Oct 12 2011.pdf
Special Meeting Sep 30 2011.pdf
Press Min Sep 27 2011.pdf
Press Min Sep 13 2011.pdf
Press Min Aug 23 2011.pdf
Press Min Aug 11 2011.pdf
July 28  MEETING-2.pdf
Press Min Jul 12 2011.pdf
Press Min Jun 28 2011.pdf
Press Special Meeting Min Jun 16 2011.pdf
Press Min Jun 13 2011.pdf
Press Min May 26 2011.pdf
Press Min May 12 2011.pdf
Press Min Apr 25 2011.pdf
Press Min Apr 12 2011.pdf
Minutes March 29
March 10,2011
Minutes Feb 24,2011
Special Meeting Feb 17 2011
Minutes Feb 9 2011
Minutes Jan 27
Minutes Jan 11,2011
Re-Organizational Meeting
PPAL 2nd quarter 2011.pdf
Revenue/Expense 01-03/31-2011
Income & Expense 01-01-2010 to 09-30-2010
The Towner Line.pdf
Transmission lines.pdf
Rebuilding of Highway 96
Murdock Project
Kiowa County & the Web
Murdock Building
Don Hunt
Possible Transmission Line
Welcome Bill Koehler
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The Special Meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Richard Scott on February 17, 2011. Oswald opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those attending were:


Richard Scott, Commissioner

William E. Koehler, Commissioner

Donald Oswald, Commissioner

Debra C. Lening, County Clerk

Peggy Dunlap, Administrator


The Policy on Vacations was reviewed and briefly discussed.

 Sheriff Forrest Frazee and Undersheriff Casey Sheridan met with the Commissioners regarding the Model Traffic Code Ordinance requesting a county surcharge be added to the Model Traffic Code. The fund collected would be for the sole purpose of training and equipment for the department. This would require a separate account being set up to track the funds, which had been discussed this County Treasurer Baxter. The Commissioners wanted to know if this would replace some of the Sheriff’s budget. Sheriff Frazee stated that it would not, that much of the training that is required has not been able to be done due to the lack of funds. This surcharge would allow for the necessary training. The Commissioners told them to move forward with Ordinance procedure and to set up the account. The Sheriff’s Department will work with the County Attorney on the Ordinance.

Sheriff Frazee discussed having hired a new deputy when another deputy quit. Commissioner Koehler stated that the position had not being advertised. Sheridan stated that there were two deputies that quit. The first one was advertised and two applicants were interviewed. When the second deputy quit, the other applicant not previously hired was hired. The Commissioners stated that they are trying to establish a policy of always advertising for any opening. Sheriff Frazee stated that they generally do advertise but that he is not required by law to do so. Commissioner Koehler said he should have given the locals an opportunity to apply. Sheriff Frazee stated that his office has tried to get local citizens interested in working in law enforcement and has had very little luck. They are not interest because of the salary. Koehler said maybe a scholarship needs to be set up to train interested locals for law enforcement. The Commissioners encouraged the Sheriff to pursue working on a scholarship for law enforcement.

 Road foremen Rick Spady and Allen Wade Watts met with the Commissioners to discuss new hires and equipment purchases. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to offer the loader operator position to Jacob Kraft beginning March 1. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 There was discussion on the equipment bids. Rick Reed and Eddie Rey from Colorado Machinery met with the Commissioners and foremen to discuss the “Care Program” warranty plan and to go over changes to the equipment bid and answer question regarding the John Deere equipment.

 Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to purchase two John Deere graders with 2 foot extensions and snow plow light bars for $160,650 each. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

Koehler made the motion, seconded by Scott, to purchase one John Deere loader with greaseless pins for $129,000. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to offer the District 3 Equipment Operator position to Chris Riley. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Koehler made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to approve the Bond for Steve Baxter as Kiowa County Public Trustee. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 The Regular Meetings for March will be March 10th and March 29th.

 Oswald made the motion, seconded by Scott, to approve the road crossing for water line for Lane Gooden and the intersection of County Rd P and County Rd 41. Oswald and Scott voted aye. Koehler abstained, as his company is doing the work. Motion carried. A map needs to be included.

 Koehler made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to sign the Colorado Division of Wildlife (DOW) Impact Assistance Grant in the amount of $1,437.11. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Assessor Penny Weirich met with the Commissioners to discuss the new law regarding abatement accrual of $10,000 or less. No action was necessary.

 The Maine Street Retreat and the other exercise program discussion was tabled.

 The three Commissioners will be the Committee for 911 Board.

 The lease agreement between Building Corp and the County was updated with changes to Sec. 9. “Lessor” was changed to “Lessee” on the first line of this section and the amount per month for the year was changed to $9,218.00. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to approve and sign the lease agreement with the changes. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 County Clerk Debra Lening left the meeting at 3:00 p.m. and Deputy Clerk Roland Sorensen entered the meeting at that time.

 There was discussion regarding the Job Description for the Road & Bridge Foremen. Koehler made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to approve the job description. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 There was continued discussion on vacation policy. No decisions were made at this time. Further discussion was tabled.

 The next Regular Meeting will be held February 24, 2011.

 With no further business, Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to adjourn at 4:32 p.m. All Commissioners voted affirmative.





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